Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hello, My Name is Holly and I am a Candy Addict

I am sick, very sick. I have an incredible sweet tooth. Just my luck, I work 2 miles from the most cozy candy store. My great find there last week was giant rolls of Smarties. I also indulged in Cherry Gummy Bears, Licorice Wheels, and Sour Patch Kids. I have finished it all and I am craving more. Can I really be stronger than Hulk Hogan and have more stamina than Lance Armstrong? Only time will tell.
Saturday night, I took the bag of candy into the bedroom with me as I prepared for bed. My purpose was to hide it in my closet from Taos, my dog. I ended up in bed with it. When my husband came to bed he had this to say, "Would you like me to sleep on the couch so you can continue with your candy?"
I am currently looking for a support group.


Carol said...

When you find that group, let me know. My current weakness is for those Marshmallow Hiding Eggs that you can only find at Easter. Knowing their limited availability, I stocked up (much to the dismay of my blood sugar, waistline, and teeth!)

Robyn said...

Swap "chocolate chips" for every reference to "candy" in that post and you've got a perfect description of me. I must have chocolate chips every day. Every. Single. Day.

I don't think I've ever taken them to bed though..... :)